Meet Mrs. Mombastic....
I thought motherhood would come naturally to me.
I was the best hypothetical mother that ever there was. ​
I judged other parents for doing things a certain way, and in my head, I knew I could do things better than they could.
And then I became an ACTUAL mother.
It was tough. So, so tough. I struggled. ​
And the loneliness snuck in. Being stuck inside with the children.
Worrying about every decision I was making.
Thinking that I was screwing my kids up for every mistake I made as a parent.
And then I realised something pretty cool.
That millions of other mothers out there, felt exactly the same as I did. ​
I was not alone.
And so, Mrs. Mombastic was born.
A safe place for mothers to be open and be honest about how they are feeling, with zero judgement. ​
Because its hard. Its all hard. And that is absolutely bloody fine. But its beautiful too....
It doesn't make you any less of a mother, and it doesn't mean you love your children any less.
But talking about it, absolutely and positively makes you feel less alone.